In times of crisis people often ask, “How did we get here and what do I do?” The current business landscape is quite challenging to say the least. One of the biggest decisions Practice Owners have had to make is what to do with their people. Even while adhering to the shelter-in-place orders many states have mandated, some Practice Owners have still been able to keep people employed and working on projects at home. But many employees have been laid off or furloughed, waiting to return to work as companies take advantage of government assistance programs. Everyone needs to keep front of mind that while employees are laid off or furloughed (and therefore not being paid), they cannot perform any work-related duties.
As Owners take advantage of the programs that allow them to bring back their staff, they should ask themselves: 1) What have I learned from this experience? and 2) How do I prepare for the future? Working with their CQ Account Manager, Owners need to define their comeback plan, considering:
- How do I review and reset the “catch up” goals necessary to recover lost business and hit our 2020 financial targets?
- How will business be different and what will we need to do to prepare to compete more aggressively for customers?
- How do we help every employee fully understand his/her role in achieving organizational success?
- What should we do now to develop the skills and increase the individual productivity of each employee?
- How do we train our team to capture more “opportunities” while still providing the highest quality of patient care?
- How do we create the staffing and scheduling capacity to best serve customers and drive revenue and profit?
CQ Partners is ready to help every practice with all six items. A key vehicle through which we do this is by providing weekly role specific training to improve individual skills that drive revenue and profit. Now is the time to build a strong foundation and train your staff on the skills which will make them more productive and efficient. Even if your staff is currently on furlough, we encourage Owners to join our teletrainings now in order to learn our approach and ensure accountability once employees are back in office and able to join us. In order for practices to thrive in a post COVID-19 world, each staff member, including Owners, must be ready and able to contribute more than they ever have before.
Many companies may utilize online courses that cost money, an unattractive or even unviable option as they try to control and cut expenses during COVID-19. As members of CQ Partners, you can leverage our teletraining courses without any additional expense.
While this era of social distancing makes classroom events impossible, the CQ Partners teletraining program uniquely allows us to deliver high quality training for every role in your practice including Providers, Front Office Professionals, Directors of Operations, Practice Development Representatives, and Owners.
Led by our Account Managers via Skype, our teletraining program focuses on:
- All the Right Things behaviors and scripting
- Skill development to support organizational goals
- KPI tracking
- Best practice sharing
- Peer networking
- Addressing the needs and expectations of the post COVID-19 customer
We’ve all heard the old saying “when life gives you lemons you make lemonade.” The current situation is definitely a lemon, but there is a silver lining. The shelter-in-place orders mandated by many states provide practices the opportunity to step back and improve the processes, systems, and skills of the people in their organizations. It gives Owners a chance to determine what they want their business to look like when we emerge from this pandemic. We are ready to partner with you. Take a look at our weekly teletraining schedule and choose which events work best for you and your currently employed staff. As you bring people back, make our teletraining program part of their “onboarding” process. Our new world requires all of us to think differently about what it means to be prepared even in the most challenging times. Prepare your team to take on this and any future challenge.