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Connect with Your Hearing Care Provider

CQ Partners, a partner of the NFLPA’s Professional Athletes Foundation

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Start Hearing Better Today

Fill out the form to request an appointment or learn more about how CQ Partners can help you with your hearing health.

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The NFL recorded

concussions during 2022’s


preseason and regular season games.

Combined with the high decibel environment of stadiums, the chance of head trauma puts NFL players at a unique risk for developing hearing loss.

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Hearing loss is not just something that happens to the elderly—it can happen at any age and any stage in life.

Your Hearing Health Matters

Fill out the form to request an appointment or learn more about how CQ Partners can help you with your hearing health.

Hearing and Your Overall Health

Fill out the form to request an appointment or learn more about how CQ Partners can help you with your hearing health.

The good news is that there is a treatment option for almost every type of hearing loss. Let’s find the right solution for you.

Who is CQ Partners?

The preferred provider of hearing health education and solutions for the NFL Players Association’s Professional Athletes Foundation (PAF), CQ Partners connects patients in need of hearing care with the providers who can help them. The two organizations have partnered since 2011 to bring better hearing to former professional athletes and their fans across the nation.

hearing test on NFL Player
hearing test from an audiologist

How We Help Former Players

By attending regional PAF events across the country and organizing appointments with local hearing healthcare providers, CQ partners fits eligible former players with hearing aids, emphasizes the importance of better hearing, and discusses the impact it can have on one’s life. In addition to providing free hearing healthcare services, CQ Partners aims to spread awareness and break down the barriers that prevent people from seeking hearing care. You can hear like a pro. To learn if you’re eligible, contact us today!

Who is the PAF?

The Professional Athletes Association acts as the charitable arm to the NFLPA, providing financial, educational, and wellness resources to former players. Visit yourpaf.com to learn more about resources available to you.
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