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How Great is Your Practice? Let Customers be Your Biggest Fans!

It’s a great feeling when you get positive feedback in life. Whether it’s kudos on a job well done, a compliment on the way you look or a ‘thank you’ for a good deed accomplished. The same feeling applies to your practice, except it doesn’t have to be a passing note of gratitude. Testimonials are a great and [semi] permanent way to tell the rest of the world how much your practice is loved, what a wonderful job you do and how satisfied your customers are – and even better, it’s feedback coming right from the consumer for other consumers to see!

If a customer gives you a 'thumbs up,' let the world know!
If a customer gives you a ‘thumbs up,’ let the world know!

Testimonials from customers can be used across various marketing mediums: in direct mailers, newspaper ads, on your website, in flyers [to physicians or the community] – the sky’s the limit! The fist step is to ask for them. A satisfied customer will be happy to compliment your practice. Just ask them to fill out a compliment slip, complete a form on your website, write a recommendation letter or give a verbal testimonial – depending on the best format for them. Always have the customer sign a release form so you can use said testimonials across all marketing and PR channels. It’s no time to be modest – if you are providing excellent customer service while enhancing the quality of life for your patients the world has a right to know!
What happens if someone’s not satisfied? Asking for feedback will eventually result in some negative comments as well. But that’s okay. This is an opportunity to find out what is dissatisfying the customer and quickly remedy the problem, turning a negative experience into a positive one for both the customer and you.
And what to do once you have all of these glowing testimonials collected? Start integrating them into your marketing materials – where appropriate – based on the message. For instance, in a direct mailer or newspaper ad, you’ll want to focus on the positive feedback regarding service and how long you’ve been serving the community [the mature and Boomers audiences LOVE this type of information]; for web based marketing, you want to show how you can save time for the Boomer audience and a sense of ‘well roundedness’ for the influencer audience; for physician marketing, you’ll want to showcase how important it is to the patient that their doctors work together to provide the best overall care possible. You can utilize the testimonial in a variety of ways and speak to a number of audiences.
The best part is this is a free tactic that can be integrated into your messaging. It’s the details in these testimonials that will set you apart from your competitors – positive feedback about your practice from your customers.
Get started today!

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