Don’t Forget Your Database.

Your current patients – atop the marketing pyramid – are the least competitive & price sensitive.
Be sure to target this “low hanging fruit” frequently!

When marketing, we often focus on obtaining new customers, obsess about how much we are spending doing so and analyze the return on investment [ROI] with extreme scrutiny. All of this is exactly what we should be doing. However, while we spend time and money on attracting new customers – which is important in order to have a constant pipeline of prospects to grow businesses – we can’t forget about the goldmine we are sitting on: the current, loyal customer.
Your customer/patient database is your most qualified lead source and most cost-effective segment to market to. Be sure to integrate monthly marketing initiatives to target this audience – upgrade or out of warranty correspondence, plus tested not sold messaging. You can reach this target audience through direct mail, email and telemarketing [which equals calling your current patients].

Your current patients will appreciate that you care enough about them to reach out a few times a year to make sure their hearing devices are working properly, letting them know about new technology [when appropriate] and keeping in touch. Fact is, 62% of your database will be repeat customers, but of these, 43% will go somewhere else if they feel you don’t care enough about them…scary thought when you’ve already spent time and money capturing them in the first place [they were a prospect at one time!].
Relevance is also key with any type of communication to your database. These patients might know who you are, but be sure to send them correspondence based on their needs. Whether it’s upgrading to a new hearing device, coming in for a clean and check or making an appointment for their yearly exam, make sure you are segmenting your list. The response rate will always be higher when you are speaking to the recipient based on their most relevant needs.
Capitalizing on both your current patient database and prospect marketing combines the best of both worlds. This comprehensive strategy will help you cover all of your bases, grow your business and utilize your marketing budget efficiently and effectively.
Questions about marketing planning for 2013? Contact marketing at

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